#2: Hats and Undies
A story to talk about integrity, being truthful and a silly book about underwear
I Want My Hat Back by Jon Klassen is a great story for many reasons. Not only is it great for the brilliant illustrations and words but it is a great book to also probe children about being honest and consequences.
As always, preview the book with your child.
What do you think is going to happen in a book called “I Want My Hat Back”?
How do you feel when you lose an item?
Who do you think the main character is in this story?
As always, you can borrow this book from the library, read it on Hoopla or Libby or find it here. I’ve also linked a youtube read-aloud of this book as well.
As you read, ask your child if
they notice anything different about the animals (hint: they should notice that the bunny has a red pointy hat, yet all other animals have nothing on their heads).
do they think the rabbit is telling the truth?
why the page is red when the bear realizes he HAS seen his hat
what happened to the rabbit? Why do they think that?
should the bear have eaten the rabbit? why or why not?
The publisher of this book also published a great activity kit. The first page is meant to create a scene, but I would challenge your child to see if they can remember what order the bear met each of the animals. If they cannot do it from memory, you can scaffold it by looking back into the text.
The Underwear Book by Todd Parr
Our other book is truly for fun. My kids love this book and whenever we find it, they read it over and over again. It’s full of giggles and exaggerated imagery.
Have a great week and happy reading!